This is obsolete, as in MyHordes, Hero Mode is free and included to everyone, whereas back in the original game, Hero Mode required a subscription payment. Nevertheless, since the original game has been abandoned, Hero days are currently free of charge.
There are 2 kinds of citizens, the citizens and the heroes. The main way to gain access to the hero status is by buying hero days (from 15 days to 6 months). One can also get hero days from the following ways:
By getting the
last man standing distinction (from 1 to 10 hero days based on the number of day survived, the gained number of hero days is doubled in hardcore towns)
By being gifted a hero day from another hero. To be able to give a hero day to another citizen, one needs to have unlocked the heroic power
pouvoirplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigL'expérience des Héros
L'expérience des Héros
Système de fidélisation permettant aux Héros de débloquer des avantages supplémentaires grâce à leur ancienneté.
Chaque jour passé en tant que Héros est comptabilisé dans leur âme et remplit une barre de progression. Dès qu'elle est pleine, l'avantage suivant est obtenu dans l'ordre et la barre est vidée. La comptabilisation est toutefois légèrement faussée : Brothers in Arms
Hero days can be cumulated. The number of remaining hero days can be seen on your personal soul page and when in town the number is displayed on the left side.