Table of Contents

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* Die Verdammten * Die2Nite * Zombinoia * hordes


1 - Reproduce wiki display

2 - Translate the wiki

3 - Update and fix mistakes.

General Presentation


Presentation and Attachments



* Goal * Basic advices * Time of the day * The Crow * Forums * The Gazette

Type of Town

The Crow

The Crow is the omniscient and omnipotent entity in MyHordes. It acts as a carrier of information (good or bad) and notifies the player about the result of some important actions they tried to do or important changes the Town did.

The Crow character is also embodied by the moderators to policy the T&C and forums as well as to punish the transgressors with its swift and unwavering sense of justice.

Automated Private Messages

The Crow watches everyone's actions and notifies the results to the players.


It is possible to steal things from other citizens, and it is The Crow that notifies if you were successful or not.
More information in Thefts and Pillagesplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigHordes : Les citoyens

Hordes : Les citoyens


* Information sur les citoyens : La page Citoyen permet de connaître toutes les personnes présentes en ville (Mortes ou Vivantes) et également de savoir quels citoyens sont connectés ou non. Si le citoyen est connecté, la barre à gauche du pseudo est verte, sinon elle est rose.

 The Crow notifying the theft of an object

Anonymous Complaint

Even in a post-apocalyptic world, a sense of justice is present, so you may register complaints to other citizens. It will be The Crow that is responsible to carry these, often bad, omens to the transgressors.
More information at The Shunnedplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigLe bannissement

Le bannissement

Comment bannir

Rendez-vous dans la maison du joueur (vous devez être en ville) et cliquez sur le bouton “Envoyer une dénonciation”. Il vous sera demandé d'en indiquer le motif : Nombreux vols d'objets Consomme trop d'eau Insultes ou comportement

 Private Message of a Crow delivering a complaint  Private Message of a Crow notifying that a complaint was removed


It is possible to attack other players, the latter are made aware by The Crow if they have suffered an attack and if they were injured or not.


After the night attack, it is possible that some zombies breach the defenses of town and attack the citizens in their own houses, which, if they survive, could Terrorize them.
It is The Crow that informs when this happens.
More information at The Attack of the Hordeplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigHordes : L'attaque des Hordes

Hordes : L'attaque des Hordes

En plus de survivre entourés de zombies au milieu du désert, les citoyens de chaque ville doivent faire face aux attaques des Hordes.

Chaque soir, de minuit pile à 0h26, des hordes de zombies affamés attaquent la ville

 PM of The Crow telling the player they got Terrorized

Peaceful night

It is also possible not to be terrified, despite the zombies attacking us at home. The message then presents itself differently, specifying that we hide under the bed, etc.

The Gazette

Every day, all citizens receive a new edition of the Gazette signed by the Crow. This little piece of text summarizes the events that took place during the attack, and the Crow, in his eternal benevolence, also exposes a few rumors based on the previous day's events. It's up to you to decide whether to trust them, or not.

The Town and Global Forums

Town Forum

The town forum is the place for citizens to communicate and organize, and the Crow will have put up 4 “pinned” topics.

In the case of abusive comments that do not respect the T&Cs, or insults/threats against the players and not their character he/she are playing, you can report them using the “!” This will alert the Crows, the game's moderation team.

World forum

The world forum is a place, divided into several sections, where all the game's players can exchange ideas. The Crows are in charge of moderation and pick the livers of those who don't respect the rules of each section. They often intervene to refocus topics.

 Message pour recentrer

Closing a topic:

When a topic is considered useless or the question has been answered, Crows may close a topic, often after posting a final sinister message.

 Fermeture “type” d’un sujet

Delete a topic:

In the most extreme cases, Ravens can delete a topic, which is then no longer displayed to players.

Move a topic:

Crows can also move a topic from one section of the World Forum to another.

Edit a message:

Crows can edit a player's post, making the player's words invisible.

 Edit “type” d’un sujet

Written warning:

Crows can also add a warning at the end of a player's post, directed at the player and other readers and participants in the topic.
This is done when the comments are interesting, but border on off-charter.

Pinned topics:

Crows are the only people (apart from almighty Admins) who can pin or remove pinned notes on the forums.