Fever homepage
Contacts: Booti
Repository: Eternal-Twin/Fever
Fever calc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1usHqfh0GSus7gtApSUy1PkaqRt3nVog42xlAOpYjnds/edit#gid=0
Fever extra: https://gitlab.com/eternal-twin/fever-extra
Data file found in the swf: 1_res._data_ods.bin.ods
SWF hash key: f1e3bef3e56f39c07be1ec3f2709a761
We figured-out how to import player progress. The server only keeps track the user's progress, everything else is generated and handled by the swf.
The map is generated in the SWF using a pseudorandom number generator seeded with the wid flashvar.