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The Forums

There are two main types of forum on MyHordes:
“Town” forums and “World” forums (framed in red below).

The Town Forums

In a game like MyHordes, dialogue, exchange and interaction with other players are the elements that develop the game's true dimension and depth.
Accessible from both inside and outside the town, via the menu, the Town Forum is the heart of communication with other citizens. Only citizens of your own Town can access it… while they are alive.

Highlighted in the form of an old radio in the menu, town forums are part of the MyHordian universe, and enable the possibility of communicating even from outside the town, deep in the desert.

Several Pinned Topics are automatically set up, advising us to discuss certain subjects such as bank management, building sites to be constructed, upgrades to be voted on or even the use of the workshop.
You'll notice that it's The Crowplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigLe Corbeau

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Le Corbeau

Dans la dimension RolePlay, le Corbeau n'est aucunement un joueur.

C'est une entité sombre, malsaine et oppressante dans chacune de nos existences. Omnisciente, omnipotente, le Corbeau observe, voit tout et sait tout.

Ténébreux messager, il fournit aussi bien aides, mauvaises nouvelles que rumeurs. Il se complaît à nous voir essayer de survivre et prend un malin plaisir à nous jouer des tours.
, the omniscient and omnipotent entity present in each of your towns, who opens these subjects.

Exchanges and organization between strangers on the forums are the strength of the game. All types of players rub shoulders, with different ways of thinking and seeing things. Discussions are the key to helping your town evolve and grow, and to resisting the zombie hordes. What's more, it's also the perfect place to relax and enjoy a variety of games.
There's another important parameter to bear in mind: players see the forums as a way to play a character, to RolePlay. Building up a character, using it in an RP way, changing it or not for each town, opens up an infinite number of possibilities and adds flavour to the towns. It's a good idea to take the time to build your own character and respect those of others.

Of course, you mustn't confuse the character with the player behind it. Playing a power-hungry, even tyrannical character who uses strong, even demeaning language towards the rest of the plebs is not forbidden, and there's no need to report his or her responses as long as they respect the TOS.
In addition, although sometimes subtle, it's important to differentiate between comments made about the characters you play and those made about the players, the people behind the computer.

The Global Forums

A place of decadence for some, the soul of the game and the community for others, the World Forum is an environment apart, slightly hostile, like the game itself, divided into several sections.

The Help Section

A place for players to ask questions about gameplay elements. This section answers questions but does not give advice.
Moderated by the Oracles, who provide official answers via the blue tag and close topics when the answer is given.
This section is severely moderated: false answers, fakes or trolls are strictly forbidden.


A place for community discussions and debates on all topics related to the game. Oracles sometimes open official discussions and maintain pinned topics, “Official Chronicles” and “Official Topics and Discussions”.
The former is used for official announcements and details of updates, and should be followed for notifications and the latest news. The second allows Oracles to announce official discussion topics. The Crows impose considerable moderation in this section. Second-degree humour and irony are tolerated in small doses.

The Saloon

This is the hall for non-serious discussions related to the game. Here you'll find RPs, game topics and animations. Moderation is lighter here, and trolls, irony and second-degree humor are commonplace. Arm yourself with a good thermometer and a good dose of maturity to take the necessary distance between the comments you read and the truth to be read between the lines.

International Forums

All three sections are found in all the game's languages (Help ; Discussions ; Saloon) in French (Forum Monde), in German (Weltforum), English (World Forum) and Spanish (Foro Mundial).

Internal Groups

Finally, the forums page is also the place to contact the game's developers (Technical Support) and moderators (The Crow's Nest).
These tabs do not give access to the forums, but allow you to send a private message to the Group in question.

hordes/forum.1685092768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/26 09:19 by 8908b6e8-2d97-4d9a-a0be-393179aef4f1

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