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Everything you need to know about external tools

Some external tools are allowed by the developers and will make your journey on MyHordes more plesurable! These are some tools, followed by their abbreviations, that you will definitely hear among the community:

  • Fata Morgana - (FM)
  • BigBroth'Hordes - (BBH)
  • Gest'Hordes - (GH)

You can access them easily by clicking on the corresponding links on the directory of the game, found on the top left corner of the screen.

These 3 external tools in particular are used to mark and update on a map everything you and your town find on the World Beyond. If the citizens don't agree and cooperate when it comes to updating the map these tools lose their purpose! Another common utility of this tools is the possibility to mark expeditions on the map.

How to enable external tools on MyHordes

To enable external tools on MyHordes you need to generate an ID. You can always delete your ID whenever you want, thou each time you delete your ID you have to do the following process again in order to use properly the external tools.

To find the menu you should click on the following buttons on the menu bars as as shown in the figure bellow

  1. My Soul
  2. Settings
  3. Advanced

After finding the menu of the advanced settings you should click on Generate a new ID.

Despite FM/BBH/GH are ready to be used after generating an ID, some tools refered bellow on the List of external tools might need more steps to be usable. (For example: the need to install the browser extension tampermonkey or, in case you also want to use external tools on your mobile, the need to install Wiki Browser)

More about tools and a quick way to update FM/BBH/GH at the same time

My Hordes Optimizer and My Hordes Enhancer are tools that, despite of not being something that you must have and having the need of extra steps to be ready to use, are really powerfull. You can look at their menus of tools on the images bellow as where you will find them on the game once everything is installed. You can click on the squares on the left to deactivate or activate each of the tools whenever you want.

Among all these tools I just want highlight the feature to update multiple maps and the feature to, once you activate escort mode, automatically set it to allow other citizens to view your rucksack and allow them to escort you further way from the town.

List of external tools

  • Fata Morgana (FM)
  • BigBroth'Hordes (BBH)
  • Gest'Hordes (GH)
  • My Hordes Optimizer
  • My Hordes Enhancer
hordes/outils.1672779158.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/03 20:52 by 49f75dcf-9435-43ce-a64b-392308450b7f

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