Table of Contents
Lucha de los pictos
myHordes' Second Edition
La Lucha is the quintessential hordian event. Its principle is simple :
You compose your team yourself. Then you jump with your team, in the town of your choice (the same town for the 5 team members). Distant towns, small towns or hardcore, the choice is yours. Anybody can participate. You just need to get registered.
Points will be attributed or subtracted based on which distinctions the team earned as a whole. This event is in no way a disguised hunt for distinctions. Participant from the previous editions will be able to tell you how wrong such an idea would be. You must look at the distinctions instead in terms of points, and how they will affect your team's final score in the final balance to decide if your team won the competition or not. Points for each distinctions are balanced in such a way that victory will be the result of merit and skillful play rather than dumb luck. Distinctions in the end are more of a matter of roleplay, what truly matters are the points behind them.
Getting help from an allied coalition or metacoalition of players is strictly forbidden. Nothing stops you from asking for help from random citizens, but revealing you're doing a Lucha to them can be a risky move. If an entire random town with strangers helps a team, this remains acceptable within the event's rules. Despite this, if it is judged that a team played outside the bounds of fair play, it is possible for that team to be disqualified. You're here to win the Lucha by respecting its rules, and nothing else.
You can of course get distinctions through collaboration with random town citizens. These collaborating citizens must not be helping you in order to have you knowingly win the Lucha. The core concept behind the Lucha is not for a whole town of strangers to help a team win the game, but for a team to make as much points as possible through tricks and deception.
In the same way, it will be asked for each teams to not grief another team's attempt, please do not engage in any shenanigans such as noticing another team's jump and from a distance, complicate their attempt for example by private messaging the town citizens and telling them a Lucha team is here to wreak havoc. Shenanigans must be carried out inside the town, and after only do we flex on each other when the results are announced.
That code of honor must stay with you throughout. What makes this event enjoyable is the respect of said code. A team going overboard and forgetting that may be disqualified based on the gravity of the offense.
Informaciones y Puntos
The values from the last edition were changed, here are the new ones
Link to the World Forums thread]
First myHordes edition de la Lucha de los Pictos (format libre)
Registered teams will be able to join a town at any time during the 16th season, starting from the 11th Mars 2024 to the very end of season 16! At absolutely any desired time within that period! Though it will be absolutely necessary for the 5 team members to be dead and have their death validated by the end of said time period. It is also asked for the team to not do their jump in a town where another event is occurring, except in the special case where the other event organizers are okay with a Lucha team doing their things in the same town as their event.
To register your team you'll need to contact tchekof using the in game private message system at least 3 days before the planned jumping date, the 5 team members will need to be included in the message. Without that, your participation will not be taken into account. Don't hesitate to create the conversation sooner than 3 days, that would help making my planning easier, as I'm not always here. Right after jumping a message saying you did jump will need to be sent. Then afterward, after each death from a team member you will need to inform me of death by message. Once notified, you will need to wait for my confirmation before joining a new town(to give me the time to take a soul snapshot). If you don't wait for the confirmation, the points earned by the person that jump in another town too early will be rendered void.
When the jumping day has come, only jump is authorized. You're not authorized to jump, decide a town is not suited for your attempt and abort (commit suicide) in order to join another one. You will have to make do with the town you picked. In the worst case scenario, you can report the jumping day and wait for a town more suited to your linking to be available.
La lucha is an event where anyone can participate anonymously.
It's not possible for any other participant to know that you and your team participate to the Lucha, except if you were to publicly share the info obviously.
Each player can only individually participate twice within that edition, if you were to participate a second time you'll need to compose a team with 4 different players that weren't in your first attempt's team.
Each team composition and associated score will only be shared once the event has finished, all of them at the same time, during a final ceremony. It's only then that the winning team will know they did won.
The event begins the 11th Mars 2024 and ends with the season 16
Hall of Fame
S15 First MyHordes' Edition
1. Jaliso / 3335 points (BelleGunness, , Peutre, Netto, Bear_Bender, Bonham)
2. Chihuahua / 2966 points (Nami, Farijo, Camille, FiiolinaSlug, remetalosse)
3. Zacatecas / 2682 points (akhadiadi, Andre, Moutonkibele, PASCAL_PROUT, remetalosse)
4. Veracruz / 1741 points (akhadiadi, Allouette, arellewen, Jaynei, Morphe)
5. Durango / 1643 points (AntonChukrov, Allouette, Vieillebique, Waterproof, Lexar_Tisan)
Hordes' final edition
1. Cherry / 6425 points (tchekof, Bargouzine, Eliam, Saint_Jacky, Comte_Hades)
2. Apricot / 3188 points (Skopeion, AQUATOURELLES, MALTHAEL, GAYGOLOS, Comte_Hades)
3. Kiwi / 2994 points (Belle-Gunness, basichou, LouLouRed, Troubadour, Ribaute)
4. Blackberry / 2966 points (SaBra, lechanceux, Rastapopoulos, Bebelama, WonderDog)
5. Prune / 2805 points (Skopeion, Trotk, Deren, TheArchitect, KIPPOUR)
6. Banana / 2703 points (Sand, Poucet, Westcoast, Badiane, Mckagan)
7. Mango / 1947 points (AQUATOURELLES, Azrathorn, FIXATION, Trotk, Fofotre)
8. Grape / -160 points (Ross, SirConflex, Thibaut3000, Irony, Phaenyx)
Los Luchadors' Section (Avatars)
This section gathers all the different official outfits made for the greatest fights of your favorite luchadors. They all are in format 100*100. Do not hesitate to send me your custom made, Lucha's avatars (in private message to tchekof) so that they can be added to the displayed list bellow.
You're participating to a Lucha? You want to display your admiration for a luchador or the concept of the Lucha in itself? Or perhaps you simply want a stunning outfit?
Then hesitate no longer, these avatars are just waiting for you!
Los outfits del Luchador Nouméro ouno:
Los outfits del Luchador Nouméro dos:
Los outfits del Luchador Nouméro trés:
Los outfits del Luchador Nouméro quatro:
Los outfit del Luchadors made by the community
First of all, thanks to Lukrainien for imagining the concept and working with us to make it a reality.
Thanks to Morvandieu for the amazing graphics.
Fenryl isn't to be forgotten as well, for making the event even more popular by creating a dedicated application (now defunct), and organizing past editions.
And finally thank you darMK, for keeping the Lucha alive until the end of Hordes.
The responsibility to keep the Lucha and its spirit alive on myHordes now falls upon us. Let's live up to its name!